Professionalization for Education for Sustainable Development through Action Research using the Example of a University Course

Education for Sustainable Development, Professional Development in Education, Vignettes, Action ResearchAbstract
The interdisciplinary character as well as the current and future relevance of the sustainability debate with all its inherent dilemmas and uncertainties, can provide fertile ground for educational innovation. Against this background, a team at the University of Klagenfurt, together with FORUM Umweltbildung and colleagues at teacher training colleges in Austria, designed the four-semester in-service course "BINE - Education for Sustainable Development - Innovations in Education". The aim of BINE is that the participants deal with the topics of sustainable development (SD) and education for sustainable development (ESD) as a learning community. An important element of this is the systematic reflection of innovations in their own practice within the framework of an action research study. The action research process provides a learning basis to promote the concepts of ESD as well as research and implementation skills of the participants. While sustainability topics are used as a vehicle for emancipatory education on the one hand, they are intended to trigger concrete sustainable social development processes on the other. This implies a great challenge, but also holds considerable potential for educational processes. With regard to sustainable development, education in the context of ESD means addressing questions in concrete fields of action about how the future can be shaped sustainably. This includes precise observation, analysis, evaluation and cooperative design of a concrete situation. Reflective action competence - and not blind action or unreflective action patterns - is a main goal of learning (Rauch & Pfaffenwimmer 2020).
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