Designing and Implementing an Interfaculty Elective "Sustainable Development" Course at a University: Concepts, Developments and Lessons Learned

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sustainability, higher education, intervention, dilemmas


This paper describes the case of a university course addressing Sustainable Development (SD). This interdisciplinary and interfaculty elective course is meant to serve the purpose of teaching sustainability. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as an instrument for the implementation of sustainability at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. The paper describes the conception and implementation of an interdisciplinary elective as a first appropriate step to implement SD at the University of Klagenfurt across disciplinary and structural barriers. Furthermore, the paper presents reflections of the course based on a series of interviews with the leading teaching team as well as the team's ongoing reflections. As it turns out: The major challenge is that a system based on individual freedom in research and teaching needs to intervene within its own system to create and initiate a new development.


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How to Cite

Rauch, F., Elmenreich, W., Huebner, R., Jungmeier, M., Gracner, E., & Sposato, R. G. (2021). Designing and Implementing an Interfaculty Elective "Sustainable Development" Course at a University: Concepts, Developments and Lessons Learned. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 4(1), 33–36.