Action Research in Science Education: A twenty-year personal perspective

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  • Ingo Eilks Biology & Chemistry, University of Bremen



Instructional Design, In-service Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development, Science Curriculum Development


Educational action research covers a broad range of strategies and methods to innovate the practice of education by a cyclical approach of implementing change and researching its effects for further improvement. By being a pragmatic and emancipatory approach, action research is done by or with teachers to meet their needs and problems in practice, and to contribute to their empowerment and continuing professional development. This paper opens up some perspectives on operating action research in domain-specific educational fields with a special focus on science education. It is based in personal experiences by the author from almost 20 years of applying action research in chemistry and science education.


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How to Cite

Eilks, I. . (2018). Action Research in Science Education: A twenty-year personal perspective. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 1(1), 3–14.

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