Science Hunters: teaching science concepts in schools using Minecraft

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  • Laura Hobbs Lancaster University & University of the West of England, United Kingdom
  • Carly Stevens Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • Jackie Hartley Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • Mark Ashby Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • Benjamin Jackson Lancaster University & University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  • Lauren Bowden Lancaster University & Newcastle University, United Kingdom
  • Jordan Bibby Lancaster University & University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Sophie Bentley Lancaster University, United Kingdom



Minecraft, outreach, informal learning, interactive learning, engagement


Science Hunters is an outreach project based at Lancaster University, UK. It uses the computer game Minecraft, alongside interactive discussion and hands-on demonstrations, to engage children with scientific research topics and science learning. As part of ongoing evaluation, the efficacy of this approach as an educational intervention was tested via pre- and post-activity questionnaires for two session topics,with 492 children participating through schools in 2017 and 2018. Statistically significant mprovement in subject knowledge was seen in post-intervention scores for both topics. There was some variation in both absolute and improvement score results between boys and girls, and primary and secondary school students. Participation leads to improved subject knowledge and understanding, regardless of prior existing knowledge.


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How to Cite

Hobbs, L., Stevens, C., Hartley, J., Ashby, M., Jackson, B., Bowden, L., Bibby, J., & Bentley, S. (2019). Science Hunters: teaching science concepts in schools using Minecraft. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 2(2), 13–21.