Effect of Regular Classroom Tests on Learning and Understanding of Concepts in Chemistry

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  • Charles Essiam Department of Integrated Science Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana, Ghana




Regular classroom tests, Motivation, intervention, descriptive feedback


This study employed regular classroom tests as an intervention to help students learn and understand the concepts periodicity and chemical bonds in chemistry. The participants of the study were thirty four second year science students at Swedru Senior High School in the Central Region of Ghana. These students were taught for eight weeks and at the end of each week made to take an essay-type test on the concepts they have learnt within the week and the previous weeks. Questions asked were constructed with increasing cognitive demand to challenge students to reason and apply the principles learnt in solving them. Descriptive feedback in the form of written comments was provided against any incorrect responses which did not reflect understanding of concepts learnt. These strategies adopted improved the performance of students in the weekly tests as most of the responses students provided in the weekly tests reflected understanding of the concepts learnt. The regular classroom tests made students revised their notes throughout the term and hence improved their performance in chemistry.


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How to Cite

Essiam, C. (2019). Effect of Regular Classroom Tests on Learning and Understanding of Concepts in Chemistry. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 2(2), 3–12. https://doi.org/10.51724/arise.19