“To see ourselves as others see us”: Post-primary school students’ drawings of scientists before and after participation in a career orientation programme
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Draw-a-Scientist-Test, Transition Year, Science Camp, Perceptions of Scientists, Career-OrientationAbstract
The stereotypical image of a scientist has negative consequences in terms of promoting a perception of scientists and relevant careers that is both positive and realistic. This study employs a modified Draw a Scientist Test (DAST) to investigate the perceptions held by post-primary school students in Ireland about scientists and their work. Participants completed the DAST before and after partaking in a Career Orientation Programme that aimed to promote careers in science and portray scientists and their working life realistically.
After completing the programme, participants’ drawings were less stereotypical, with fewer images of male scientist working alone.
Drawings also reflected activities the participants did throughout the programme, suggesting that first-hand experience can broaden perceptions of scientific careers.
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