Teaching fuel cells in the chemistry classroom - A brief survey on the current situation in German schools

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preliminary work, fuel cells, education for sustainable development, stem, survey


A small questionnaire-based study was carried out in order to get an impression of the current placement of fuel cells in the chemistry classroom in Germany and to develop a research-based, practice-oriented didactical sequence for the teaching of fuel cells. Based on a participative action research-approach, chemistry teachers at schools with a focus on STEM answered a questionnaire. This article gives insight into our approach and results of this preliminary study.


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How to Cite

Grandrath, R., & Bohrmann-Linde, C. (2020). Teaching fuel cells in the chemistry classroom - A brief survey on the current situation in German schools. Action Research and Innovation in Science Education, 3(1), 13–16. https://doi.org/10.51724/arise.30